Service Information for Authorised Dealers

This product complies with the European Union directives and regulations specified below:

2014/53/EU Radio Equipment Directive

2009/125/EC: Directive and relevant for ecodesign for products using energy as well as its following sub-directives;

278/2009: Regulation regarding eco-friendly design requirements regarding energy consumption of uncharged external power sources and average active efficiency (for models with AC/DC adapters);

642/2009: Regulation regarding environmentally-conscious design requirements for TVs.

801/2013 Amending regulation regarding ecodesign requirements for televisions.

2010/30/EU: Directives regarding Energy Labelling of Energy-Related products as well as its following sub-directives;

1062/2010: Regulation regarding energy labelling of televisions.

2011/65/EU: Directive on limitations on use of certain hazardous materials on electric, electronic domestic and office equipment.