


Features described here are for informative purposes only. All features are not available on all TV models.


With ARC (Audio Return Channel) the audio signal of the television programme can be played back via a HDMI cable or an optical cable with a multi-channel amplifier.

Network Name (SSID)

The network name (SSID – service set identifier) is the term used for the identification of a wireless network that is based on IEEE 802.11. Every wireless LAN has a configurable SSID, which uniquely identifies the wireless network. The character sequence of the network name can be up to 64 characters in length. It is configured in the base station (access point) of a wireless LAN and set on all clients which access it.


Gateway allows networks, which may be based on completely different protocols, to communicate with each other. In the home area, a combination of the router and the DSL modem are used as an Internet gateway.

Network Mask

The network mask or net mask, sometimes also referred to as a subnet mask, is a bit mask that separates an IP address into a network part and a device/host part. It is used in IP networks to make routing decisions.

Domain Name System

The domain name system (DNS) is one of the most important services on the Internet. Its main function is to convert an Internet address into the corresponding IP address.


Manual setting for back lighting (only active if dynamic back lighting is switched to “OFF”). This setting also directly impacts power consumption.

Block Noise Reduction

This function can only be selected with digital reception sources and AV presets. It reduces any interference from artefacts (pixel blocks) from digital programmes due to MPEG compression (such as from DVB-T receivers and lower transmission rates or DVD players).

Vibrant Colour

Improves colour contrast and contrast setting. This setting is mostly too strong for use with normal pictures and should only be used where necessary (low or off) otherwise nuances in the image can be suppressed.

Dynamic Backlight

Here the device optimally adjusts the back lighting for the picture content by regulating the back lighting depending on the average picture brightness. If a picture has predominately dark areas, then the black level displayed is improved by downward adjustment of the back lighting (in this case the display of the dark areas is improved), and with predominantly bright picture material the back lighting is maximised in order to display these areas more brightly.

Dynamic Contrast

This function dynamically and optimally adjusts the contrast for the respective picture content by analysing images and then altering this depending on a change in contrast. This increase in the contrast however, may also reduce the visible brightness levels in the picture.


DiSEqC (Digital Satellite Equipment Control) is a digital system that ensures that the motorized multiple-LNB satellite systems are controlled.

DiSEqC is required when two or more satellite locations need to be controlled.

DiSEqC 1.0

It is used when more than one LNB is used on an antenna and/or when different satellite signals are used by using more than one antenna. DiSEqC1.0 can support a maximum of 4 LNBs or 4 Antennas.

DiSEqC 1.1

For use in systems where multiple LNBs or antennas are used (diagonal, cascading). DiSEqC1.1 can support a maximum of 16 LNBs or 16 Antennas.

DiSEqC 1.2

Supports motorized antenna systems. Antenna motors can be controlled manually on the television.

Hardware Version

Hardware in this context means the device. This includes all components such as processor, display, etc.

Firmware Version

Firmware is the term used for software that is embedded in a programmed chip (microcontroller). It is mostly stored in a flash memory, an EPROM or an EEPROM. The firmware contains functions for controlling the device.


DVB-C (Digital Video Broadcasting – Cable) is a type of DVB used for the transmission of radio and television signals through a cable connection.


DVB-S/S2 (Digital Video Broadcasting – Satellite) broadcasts the DVB signals through the satellite.


DVB-T/T2 (Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial) is a type of DVB used for the transmission of radio and television signals through terrestrial channels.

Film Mode

Detects and processes feature films automatically for all channel sources. This means that you get the optimum picture at all times.

This functions in the modes 480i, 576i and 1080i in TV playback and for other channel sources.

If the “Movie Mode” is switched on for programmes without a feature film signal, minor problems such as picture freeze, defective subtitles or fine lines in the picture could occur.


This setting establishes which brightness value should be displayed for which digital transmission value. Most recordings are transmitted with a gamma value of 2.2 (all Windows PCs and newer PCs with a MAC operating system work with this; older MAC systems and transmissions without colour profile mostly operate with a gamma value of 1.8).

Security (WEP/WPA)

WEP (wired equivalent privacy) is the standard encryption algorithm for WLAN. It controls both access to the network as well as ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of data. This procedure is considered insecure nowadays. For this reason, recent WLAN installations should use the more secure WPA encryption.


HbbTV is the interactive successor of video text, which has content with a modern design, high resolution images and video sequences as well as media libraries.

For full functionality of HbbTV, the TV must be connected to the Internet.

HD / Full HD / UHD (4K)

High Definition (HD) TV is a general name for the television standard that has increased vertical, horizontal and timewise definition.

Full HD is a feature of devices with HDTV that can output or record 1920x1080 pixels of definition.

Resolution for UHD (4K) is 3840 x 2160.


This feature utilizes CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) protocol.

CEC enables external devices that are connected to the HDMI socket with the HDMI cable to be controlled via the remote control.

IP Address

An IP address (Internet protocol address) is used to uniquely identify the address of computers and other devices in an IP network. The most well-known network in which IP addresses are used is the Internet. Here, for example, web servers are addressed using the IP address. The IP address can be provided automatically by the router (automatic address) or can be entered manually in the router (static address). If it is entered manually, this address must be entered in the TV set.


JPEG stands for Joint Picture Experts Group. It is the compressing process of picture data.


The Low Noise Block resides at the centre of parabolic antenna.

Eg. It implements the satellite frequencies that are between 10.7–11.75 or 11.8–12.75 GHz in 950 to 2150 MHz and ensures cable transmission with coaxial cables (and with fibre-optic cables recently) and reception with satellite receivers.


Compressed audio file format.

Perfect Clear

Improves the general image by means of a gentle blue hue (giving the appearance of greater sharpness) and increases the black level by setting this entirely to black from a specific level of black hue. This reduces the visible grey values in the dark areas of the picture.

NAS (network attached storage)

The abbreviation NAS is used for devices that provide data from a hard drive to a network.

Common Interface

It is an interface used in DVB receivers. Scrambled channels can only be viewed with a CA module suitable for the encoding system and the corresponding smart card.

Special IP Address

Private IP addresses belong to the particular IP address ranges that are not routed in the Internet. They can be used by anybody for private networks, such as LANs. Many computer networks require complete connectivity at IP level, but only limited access to the Internet. If such a computer network has a private IP address range, it forms an Intranet which cannot be accessed from the Internet as the Internet routers ignore private address ranges. A gateway or router that is placed in this private network and which has a public address in the Internet as well as a private IP address makes the connection to the Internet. This can be performed by a proxy or using NAT/PAT/masking. As the address range used can only be viewed within the private network, the same range can also be used in other private networks. The unique nature of an IP address required by the Internet protocol is ensured by this restricted visibility.

Noise Reduction

Reduces the "snow" areas by displaying the picture a bit sharper and creating a slight blur. Thus, it must be used as little as possible with good picture material.


A router is a network component that links several computer networks. Router analyses (on the basis of layer 3 information) the network packages of a protocol it receives and forwards it to the intended destination network. Conventional routers work on layer 3 of the application layer. A router has an interface for every network connected to it. When data is received, the router determines the correct path to the destination and thereby the suitable interface via which the data can be transferred. For this it uses a locally available routing table that specifies via which router connection a particular network can be reached.

SCR (Single Channel Router)

Single Cable System EN 50494.

If your antenna system is equipped with a single cable system multi switch, the televisions which are connected to this antennae system can receive television programmes independently from one another.

Symbol Rate

It is the amount of the symbols transmitted in a unit of time in the digital transmission technology.


It is a cluster of various transmitters in a frequency.

Proxy Server

A proxy or proxy server is a service programme for computer networks that administers data transfer. It makes data transfer faster, and can also increase security by implementing access control mechanisms. The transfer is conducted between computers or programmes in computer networks. On the server side, the proxy acts as a client; on the client side, it acts as a server.


Wireless transmission of Internet and Intranet packets.


These formats enable recording and playback of audio files which sound as good as a CD, yet only occupy a fraction of the storage space.